Industry Talk - KuanoAI
Wednesday 24 January 2024, 14:00 - 15:30

This online talk will take place on Zoom at 14:00 UK time 24 January 2024. Registration is free but required - link here.

Title: Quantum Leaps in Drug Discovery: The Journey of Our Startup

Speaker: David Wright, KuanoAI

Abstract: Kuano is a drug design startup I (David Wright, reformed Fortran coder and former UCL post doc) co-founded in the first UK lockdown in 2020 with the goal of creating better therapeutics with a combination of quantum simulation and AI. Despite the high rate of early biotech startup failures we are still here 4 years later and looking good to achieve further funding next year. In this talk, I will explain how I transitioned from academia to creating a company and managing a highly multidisciplinary team that spans medicinal chemistry to quantum computing. Along the way I will explain some of the science behind Kuano's drug design platform and also showcase some of our projects and achievements.